Difference Between Globalization And Xxth Century

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The notion of an existing globality it is not a recent concept, it can be traced back in our history. The commercial and cultural exchanges are not something new, however, the notion of globalization came in to place in order to explain a number of revolutionary changes that led to the compression of time and space, reducing distances and creating a highly interconnected world that has eroded barriers and led to a certain homogenization of global time and space.
The object of discussion of this essay is how globalization today is different from that of the XXth century. My argument will be that the difference between those two stages of globalization lies not only in the organization and structure of the global system itself but rather in the …show more content…

The international order that came out of in this period consisted of the projection of national capitalism towards regions located in the periphery of the industrialized world. In order to assure the enlargement of their economics, the great powers would coordinate in some commercial aspects in order to give a certain structure to international economy. However, in this context, the main international powers competed for influence in regions that could provide them with the necessary resources to develop their economies, a competence that led to an increasing tension that would end up in a major global conflict in 1914.
Therefore, the main characteristic of the global order of the beginning of the XXth century is that there was a not an autonomous global order but rather and international projection of nation-states aspirations1. Therefore, the global order of the late XIX and the beginning of the XXth century can be described with two words: imperialism and nationalism.
During the 30 ́s, the consolidation of Keynesian economics is nothing but an updated version of the nationalism inherited from the XIXth century, being the main objective the construction of strong national economies and their protection from external …show more content…

The 80 ́s represent a turning point in regard to the dynamics that have been described before, as a number of elements will contest the authority of states within the global order. Firstly the international circulation of capital was liberated. Secondly, the expansion of private actors and great multinational corporations. And finally the rise of new private authorities in the global market4. The new global economy has originated a new private institutional order that has led to a reconfiguration of the role of the state. The strong nation-state that assumed all essential functions of society has now changed and those institutional functions that were traditionally carried out but the state are now done by markets. Due to the rise of the private sphere there is a new legality that escapes to national legislation. Global law is more and more segmented in different legal regimes that do not define the external outreach by the territory but rather but the topic o area they are regulating.5 From the economical perspective it can be stated that due to the current globalization, nation-states have incorporated the global dynamics by decreasing their intervention and regulation over the economical transactions at is territory and

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