
The Factors That Led To The Evangelicalization Of Enslaved Africans In The Great Revival

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Harris Riaz 1. According to Martin Marty, explain the shift in the field of American Religion by the 1970s (make sure you identify the field of American prior to the 70s). Before the 1970s religion was characterized by emergence of various religious groups besides Protestants and Catholics. People who had spiritual needs that could not be addressed by these two groups were free to air their opinions. During the 1970s there was diversification of religion and emergence of more complex issues that were not dealt with in the earlier years. There was development of a group dubbed ?boomers? who were seeking spirituality. There was the formation of religion groups based on ethnicity contrary to former European-only religion. Moreover, people were …show more content…

process of conversion is through acceptance of Christ as once savior. This group of people believes that one has to be born again to be considered as a member of the church and a Christian. On the other hand, Anglicans believe that once a person is baptized, they automatically become Christians. 7. Identify the factors that led to the evangelicalization of enslaved Africans in the Great Revivals? The revivalists presented salvation as a natural process. It did not involve the bureaucracies of the American ancestral religion. The revivalists did not discriminate between the slaves and their owners and were not racists. Their preaching on equality endeared them to the enslaved Africans. The longer the Africans stayed in America led to the emergence of new generations who lost ties with their African traditional religion. 8. Explain Douglass? perspective on American Religion? Frederick Douglass sees religion as both meaningful and facilitator of slavery. He says that there are fake and true Christians. True Christians are those involved in spreading the gospel of hope. These are the Christians who have empathy for others, especially for the less privilege. Fake Christians are those full of hypocrisy and are self-seeking. He says that slave owners are among those who do practice true

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