The Fault In Our Stars Critical Analysis Essay

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Patricia Adams
ENG 1201-105
Sally Lahmon
3 October 2014
Literary Analysis Have you ever met a complete stranger and immediately connected? That is what transpires when Hazel and Augustus meet for the first time. In the novel, The Fault in Our Stars, John Green illustrates the journey taken by a terminally teenager, Hazel Grace, when she meets Augustus in a support group for those in remission or terminally ill. Augustus helps Hazel Grace confront her fears of death, connection, and love. Green’s novel, The Fault in Our Stars, introduces the main character, Hazel, as a depressed teenager. “My mother decided I was depressed, presumably because I rarely left the house, spent quite a lot of time in bed, read the same book over and over, ate infrequently, and devoted quite a bit of my abundant time to thinking about death (Ch.1, p. 1).” Hazel’s lack of interest and thoughts of death signifies that she is depressed because of the lung cancer. More …show more content…

It is difficult to lower barriers allowing intimate connections with others when there is an illness involved. You do not only fear the devastation of the emotional involvement but also the judgments of those whom are close to you. Many people perceive illness as a symbol of weakness when in fact it takes great strengths to continue with your daily life as though nothing is wrong. In addition, it can be gut wrenching to admit that due to your illness that you have lost some of your freedoms and abilities that can require some assistance, whether it is man or machine. When you were already involved in romantic relationship the diagnoses itself can have a negative impact for example the healthy partner must take on more responsibilities which produces stress. In addition, the medications to treat the illness have side effects that influence emotions, mental ability, physical ability, and even your overall

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