The Film Analysis Of The Film Mulan

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The film Mulan is based on a legendary woman warrior from the Northern and Southern Dynasties period of the history in China that was named Mulan .In the film Mulan the stereotypes have a massive impact in their society on the gender you were biologically born. While watching the film I saw a lot of different ways that girls were viewed as and also how they should act in order not to bring shame into their families,because according to what you hear Mulan recite at the beginning of the film she is trying to keep in mind what she needs to do in order to be taken seriously and not be shamed which is “Quiet and demure ... graceful, polite, delicate, refined, poised …”. In the beginning of the film it shows young girls that are soon to be brides’ being prepared to make a good impression when they are being interviewed by a matchmaker to find a husband. During that time period in the film it shows the expectation that girls have in order not to bring shame to their families ,when researching about this specific part of the film I learned that in China they have a key component within the Chinese society that are to honor one’s parents and ancestor and “Ideal Wife Stereotype” which states that within the Chinese culture women needs to achieve specific characteristics in order to be accepted for marriage, and that for them to bring honor to their families they must get married, and they need the matchmaker’s approval to be accepted and be considered ready for the matrimony,

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