The Global Integration Process

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Modern picture of the global integration process is enriched by new events that are caused by changes in the system of global economic relations and the emergence of relevant prerequisites for the formation of integration groupings in different regions of the world.
In the world there are nearly two dozen international economic integration organizations. One of the most developed with respect to the depth of the integration process is the European Union, which was formed on the basis of three integration associations - the European Coal and Steel Community, European Atomic Energy Community, European Economic Community. The European Coal and Steel Community was created in 1952 as a common market for coal, iron ore and gender. The composition …show more content…

Functioning of the EU is based on the political and legal control system, which includes the supra-national and national-state regulators. The main EU legal structures are the Council of Ministers, European Commission, European Parliament, European Court of Justice.
EU Council of Ministers is the main intergovernmental body composed of the foreign affairs ministers of finance, economy, agriculture, transport and others. The Council of Ministers shall meet as required and solves most of the issues by a simple majority. Some questions (e.g. taxation) require the consent of the absolute. The Council of Ministers in favor of the EU legislative body and plays a major role in the power …show more content…

NAFTA specificity is determined by a number of characteristics, which to some extent distinguish it from both the Western European and other models of international economic integration.
1) The North American Free Trade Agreement has a continental scale. In the global economy - is the first integration groupings of such characteristic
2) There is a significant gap in levels of economic development of member countries. For example, the volume of GDP in 1996 compiled (in billion dollars) In the United States - 6785, in Canada - 607 in Mexico - 608. But if by GDP per capita, labor productivity and a number of other major economic indicators in Canada closer to the US level, Mexico is far behind and from the United States and

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