The Golden Rabbit Analysis

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Nature is full of beautiful moments. Human tend to get blinded by ambitions and desires. We are spoilt by our inventions and we cannot see the marvel of nature and the true potential within ourselves. A young hunter, Pan Hul, is on a mission to find the mythical golden rabbit. It is said that the golden rabbit often appear in the wilderness just before sundown before retreating to the depth of the wilderness. Pan Hul prepared his finest blade, hunting shoes, and enough supply to last him one full night. This is just going to be a short mission, he thought. He arrives early and starts camping in the nearby bushes. To his surprise, just before the sunset, not one but a bunch of golden rabbits appear. Excited for the big catch, he decided …show more content…

He stares for a while and realizes those are the lights from fireflies. The beautiful hypnotizing lights calm his heart. Suddenly he remembers that fireflies usually live on wet areas, near a lake or a river. His throat is parched dry and the idea of finding fresh water excites him. Mustering up his courage, he walks to where the fireflies are and finds a river. The fresh water replenishes his strength and courage. With a clearer mind, Pan Hul decides to wait by the river until morning comes. Feeling energized, he lay down and looked up to the sky. His heartbeat slows down, he starts to feel calmer. His eyes starts to adjust to the darkness, he is now able to get a decent glimpse of his surroundings. He can feel the cool comforting breeze from the wind as he regain his senses. All of sudden he is startled by something that moves in the grassy field nearby. With valor, the young hunter approaches the grassy field. There he sees a normal rabbit with a chipped ear chewing on his supply bag. Only then Pan Hul realizes that the golden rabbit is just a myth. They are nothing but ordinary rabbit that appeared golden due to the orange hue of sunray at sunset. He picks up his supply bag and heads home. Empty handed, but full of

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