
The Gospel Of Luke Essay

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Biblical Criticism 3 – Catherine Nguyen
World behind the text: The Gospel of Luke
The Gospel (which means ‘good news’ in Old English) of Luke which dates back to the mid 80’s (during the first century). The author is believed to be Luke (Colossians 4:14; 2 Timothy 4:11; Philemon 1:24), who was Paul’s physician (aka. The Beloved Physician). Luke grew up as a gentile then converted to Christianity (although he never met Jesus in person), most likely when Paul converted to Christianity. He was a well educated Greek "historian" and a possible client of Theophilus (1:1-4). Luke ensures that this book is an "orderly account" for attaining "secure knowledge". This book is also believed to have been written in Greece or possibly in Antioch (Syria). Luke …show more content…

This text is relevant to greedy people as there are a number of values that they live by that Jesus finds unnecessary. You do not need anything, just have faith in God. The message from this text is important today because it teaches us about how we can live day to day lives without owning many possessions (eg/. The crows still live even though they do not own anything (Luke 12:24)). Jesus says in verse 29, ‘Do not worry about having something to eat or drink’. He reminds us of our issues when we worry and that God will put us first. Jesus believed that this man was greedy and sometimes today, we may reflect on our actions and realise how selfish we are. But if we realise that our heart is in our treasure, then we can give to others in need. This may challenge some people as they value the things they possess and are not willing to give it away to someone else. Modern day followers may gain a deeper awareness of this text by speaking to those who do not own many possessions and maybe then, they may realise that they have too much. In conclusion, not only did Jesus teach them about greed but also about worry. If they have faith in God, he will give what ever their hearts

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