An Account of the 1919 Chicago Black Sox Scandal and 1921 Trial." An Account of the 1919 Chicago Black Sox Scandal and 1921 Trial. N.p., 2010. Web. 02 Nov.
According to Anderson, William. B’s article “Saving the National Pastime's Image: Crisis Management during the 1919 Black Sox Scandal” wrote about how the Major League Baseball managed the Black Sox Scandal, and the creation of the first media office in the professional industry. Even thought the MLB already hired media specialists, they could not manage the Black Sox Scandal. After the foundation of the commissioner system, the commissioner talked what happened in the MLB, so it made the press office. This is a important article for the Black Sox Scandal, this article showed another result of the Black Sox Scandal.
The Chicago Black Sox Scandal On August 4, 1921 eight men were banned from Major League Baseball by newly appointed baseball commissioner Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis for allegedly throwing the 1919 World Series. Eight men were accused of fixing the World Series for money. This scandal will forever be remembered in infamy and completely changed the image of professional baseball. Judge Landis became the first commissioner of baseball to fix the broken image of the sport and assure the public of no more scandals and fair play.
As shown by the infamous Black Sox Scandal, the 1919 World Series was corrupted in itself. Talented members of that White Sox club conspired with professional gamblers
This film plays a major part in exemplifying key aspects of baseball history. The Black Sox Scandal was a devastating event in history that caused spectators and fans to question the integrity of the game; they became skeptical on coming to games because they would not know if it was a real game or fixed. The eight players involved, hence the title of the film, were Eddie Cicotte, Chick Gandil, Oscar Felsch, Joe Jackson, Fred McMullin, Swede Risberg, Buck Weaver and Claude Williams. These players were bribed to throw the 1919 World Series game of the Chicago White Sox and Cincinnati Red for $10,000 each by gamblers Joseph “Sport” Sullivan, William “Sleepy Bill” Burns, and Billy Maharg. Although this was their original plan, the players remained unpaid and decided to play and win the rest of the games.
Dean Smith, author of “The Black Sox Scandal”, highlights the biggest scandal in the baseball world. Smith introduces his article with Jim Crusinberry, a sports journalist, who arrived at the Sinton Hotel, Cincinnati for the World Series on September 30, 1919. Smith writes how Crusinberry noticed Abe Attell, former world featherweight boxing champion, screaming his throat out with a handful of money and offering to bet on Cincinnati Reds to beat the Chicago White Sox in the opening match. This behavior of Attell was twitching for Crusinberry, as to why he was betting against the greatest and finest team, Chicago White Sox, in the free-wheeling days of Americans gamblers.
Eight baseball players made a decision that ruined their lives. Eddie Cicotte, Claude Williams, Arnold Gandil, Charles Risberg, George Weaver, Joe Jackson, Oscar Felsch, and Fred McMullin called home after an evening of confessing. Did confessing lead to more years of imprisonment and fines or did it bring nothing to their plate to overcome. Black Sox baseball scandal is a malicious disaster for the teammates involved because of all the cheating during the game, how the gambling went down, and all the investigating. To Chicago fans the World Series was a given win, but to the players they would have to play below the sub par and manage to gamble so they could lose the whole series.
The Black Sox Scandal Baseball is America’s favorite pastime. People have always thought baseball was a clean game. Until the massive doping scandal that occurred several years ago. However, there was what some called the “greatest scandal in sports history” back in the 1919 World Series (1919 Chicago White Sox).
The rapid popularity of baseball and gambling during this time in history resulted in the most shameful scandal known to baseball history, the Black Sox Scandal. The World Series is an annual
All the players involved were banned from baseball for life on August 3rd, 1921 (“Black Sox Scandal”). Most players had promising careers in the MLB but never got to see them flourish. The game of baseball was broken and questioned, so team owners attempted to restore it by creating the office of baseball commissioner (Pietrusza 60). This position was filled by federal judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis (Pietrusza 60). Everyone wanted to see some leadership to take charge in this case and that is what they got.
The Black Sox scandal was soon laid aside as the expansion of the social world of baseball continued to expand. Major League Baseball created a farm system allowing owners to hire players, at a lesser salary, to be groomed in the minor leagues. The farm system gave more young men exposure and allowed the team owners to groom undeveloped players into major league players. Players in the farm system had each other for support; only they understood the burning desire to break into the major leagues. Many of today’s elite payers got their start in the farm system playing in the minors before moving up to the major leagues.
Throughout the Roaring 20s many criminal activities had taken place in the United States, such as: World Series Fixing, bootlegging and speakeasies, police complicity in crime, and the Teapot Scandal. The roaring 20s was an era where both employment rate and the amount of leisure time increased. As a family’s income grew, more time was spent for leisure activities such as sports, music, and literature. However, the sport baseball had become such a disappointment for both the baseball players and the public. In the beginning of the 1920s World Fixing took place.
An important theme in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is the corruption of morals because of wealth. It doesn’t matter if one comes from old or new money, wealth will corrupt the morality of even the humblest. The first example of wealth corrupting morals is in the indifference to infidelity between the married Tom Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson. The next example of wealth corrupting morals is seen in Jordan Baker’s actions to keep her luxurious lifestyle. Third, Jim Gatsby’s pursuit of wealth lead to the corruption of his morals.
The novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a classic 20th century story -that period was also known as the “roaring twenties”- which critiques the vision of the American Dream people in general have. At that time, the idea of a free market, and industrial revolution provided the opportunity for many to seize the market and people were starting to see that they could become rich without having any type of restriction. New York city was the centre of this wealth-creating society. After the war, this movement generated new opportunities and ambitions for people wanting to start a wealthy upper class life. That period of time was all about alcohol, partying, gambling, fashion, and money.
The Great Gatsby is an iconic piece of American literature encompassing the 1920s era in American history. This story was written in 1923 by F. Scott Fitzgerald and was later adapted into a movie in 1949, 1973, 2000, and then once again in 2013. In the 2000 version of the movie the plot line was very similar to the book with only a few major differences and a few discreet ones as well. The movie however, also followed the book very well and even used direct quotes from the book helping you to understand the point Fitzgerald was trying to make. Markowitz the director made many good decisions in this adaptation as well as a few costly mistakes that made the importance of the book and plot line of Fitzgerald’s book.