Questions of Honor: Beowulf Beowulf’s honor and integrity can be questioned throughout the entirety of the epic poem, Beowulf. Whether or not his actions are inspired by his own pompous arrogance or confidence, one can argue that he is a hero nonetheless. Evidence and experience prove that Beowulf is more of a fearless hero than an excessively prideful man, and his hubris is more than justified due to the formidable duties he is able to execute. Throughout the poem, Beowulf expresses his intense strength and courage to the fearful people in the poem. His daring sense of self-assurance is backed by his victories against all three monsters, (even though he suffers a tragic death after facing the dragon, it is a defeat nonetheless).
A brave and noble character in an epic poem, admired for great achievements or affected by grand events. Commonly epic heroes have superior strength, have strong love for their people, are fearless of death, and are very ethical people. The epic poem Beowulf describes a heroic man of the Anglo-Saxon times. The hero, Beowulf, is almost invincible person with all the unseeming traits required of an epic hero. Beowulf is a perfect example of an epic hero who is a representative of his time because of his superhuman strength, his strong love for the people, his fearless of death, and his will to travel great distances for people he doesn’t know.
Beowulf makes known that “no man but [himself] could hope to defeat this monster, [and] no one could try.” Beowulf wants to have this fight all to himself, so he can take all of the glory. He is too selfish to conclude that only he could defeat the monster alone. Beowulf cannot be thought of as a hero because “Beowulf only longed for fame.” Beowulf does not perform heroic deeds just to save the citizens, but to receive more admiration from the citizens.
It was a hero meant to give a morale boost to warriors, a hero meant to bring all the glory home to his family and his home country. This hero was meant to boast his accomplishments and do it in an honorable way. It was a hero meant to be hospitable and loyal to the very end. What better book and character to demonstrate this than Beowulf. Beowulf before the events leading up to his spotlight in his story had the dream job of any warrior
Epically Epic Heroes In the oldest written Epic Poem, Beowulf, the main character is an epic hero. Beowulf, who came from great distances to defeat a supernatural being, shows many signs of what exactly a hero embodies. Today’s modern society has an epic hero, JJ Watt, who plays for the Houston Texans football team. Both him and Beowulf show signs for what is an epic hero for today’s society.
He did travel across the sea to kill a demon and then the demon’s mother for what seemed to be good will. Beowulf even states he is helping Hrothgar since he had helped Beowulf’s father in the past and Beowulf is returning the favor. Yet, Beowulf is still acting on his pride. He wants to defeat Grendel being that no one has been able to in the past and killing the monster for the Danes would surely bring him more honor and treasures. Beowulf never says that is why he is helping Hrothgar, but the context in which Beowulf says why he is there would suggest he cares more about glory than loyalty like he originally said.
"He gave Herdred all his support, offering an open heart where Higlac's young son could see wisdom he still lacked himself: warmth and goodwill were what Beowulf brought his new king. " This shows Beowulf's loyalty to Higlac his late King, and to his family. Beowulf would not be dishonorable by taking what wasn't rightfully his; he would rather stand by Higlac's son and teach him all he knows. Beowulf is the hero to his King's son and country, by staying loyal and having honor.
Beowulf is telling us that he doesn’t value the lives of his citizen, but instead values glory and is willing to fight for it. In the end, Beowulf slays the dragon but paid his life as the price. In conclusion, Beowulf would be considered a great warrior, but not a hero. Although Beowulf accomplished many heroic deeds he never did any of them for the right reasons. Therefore, Beowulf is not a hero, but only a warrior who values renown and rewards.
To be considered an epic hero, one must not only exhibit acts of courage but also perform acts of being superhuman. Beowulf, known for his great feats of strength, is considered to be one of the greatest epic heros of all time. He posses all the qualifications necessary for him to be categorized as being an epic hero. What does it take to be an Epic hero? It's a name given to few.
An epic hero is an individual who must evoke a sense of heroism through legendary and inspiring deeds (Merriam-Webster). These heroes of tragedy have the ability to determine their own fortune due to the amount of admired characteristics they possess. However, the ideals of an epic hero are constantly fluctuating due to the ever changing ideals of society. Although the characteristics of an epic hero are under constant modification, Beowulf is still an effective modern-day hero due to his acts of courage, compassion, and dedication in relation to his people. Courage can be defined as any individual possessing moral or mental strength in the face of physical pain or indescribable hardship (Personalitytutor).
Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon manuscript, written around the time of 7th to 10th century and was preserved in a codex until its subsequent discovery in the 19th century. Beowulf’s author to this date is unknown. This particular text belongs to the Northern Heroic Tradition, highlighting traditional German heroic values, such as the blood price. While it does have pagan rituals and ideologies, it is not a highly Christian text. Beowulf is believed to have been orally transmitted.
A wise man named Samuel Butler once said ,``The truest characters of ignorance are vanity and pride and arrogance. Does having too much pride trap or serve us? Some believe that having a healthy self-worth means taking pride in the achievements we make. But if value is linked to our self-image or accomplishments then it is built on a tenuous foundation. Pride is a characteristic proven to prevent us from acknowledging our vulnerabilities as a human.
Dillon Williamson Ms. J. Weaver English 4 20 October 2017 Beowulf All epic heroes overcome powerful forces that arise from their particular ways of life. Grendel was like the people who invaded the Anglo-Saxons. Beowulf came to help people in need from monsters. The Anglo-Saxons protected and fought for their people, like in the story Beowulf protected his people, Beowulf in the story said “lord of all life has never watched me wash my sword in blood born of my own family.”
Various amounts of actions and words make a man more than just any being. A man more than himself has to be something bigger than life. That detail makes a hero, that detail makes a man more. In the eyes of children, and the public, a strong warrior must have heart. With this characteristic he can lift a mountain for anyone or thing in need.
In the story Beowulf they make Beowulf out to be the hero. I believe that he is the hero because of his way that he presents himself when he gets to as his crewmen walked off the boat and they looked bad in clothes Beowulf looked very nice and very manly other than his crewmen looked bad and also he was a hero because he was the only one to come to and help the town. Defeating the monsters which was mother dragon and the last reason that he was considered a hero because after all the monsters he killed he decided to give all of the gold and supplies that he won from the battle with the monsters to all the people in herot and also he was reconized as a hero because he let God decide his Faith during the battle with the monsters.