The Heterogeneous Nature Of The Posthumanist Movement

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The posthuman is a heterogeneous concept that is being approached by many and often contradicting parties and branches within philosophy, the humanities, art, activism, sciences and science-fiction.

To illustrate the complex dynamics and diverse approaches I will give a comparative example that shows the heterogeneous ‘nature’ of the posthuman discourses and tries to show how I position myself within these complex and contradicting discussion.

I choosed two different movements of thought one is the transhumanist movement which I will approach from a more general outlook and the second will be posthuman critical theory with the latter I’ll zoom in and specify to one person which is Rosi Braidotti.

Both intellectual movements …show more content…

1. superlongevity 2. super intelligence 3. super wellbeing.

To give an example on how these supers can be and are mostly approached
In let's say the problem of superlongevity: that aging could be seen as a disease that needs to be cured. And super wellbeing what happen when we limit certain emotion qualifications like depression, jealousy, anger, happiness or boost them up.

What would this possibilities ethically mean when we arrive at the moment when they become actualities.

What i understood of the transhuman movement that its mainly anthropocentric.

These practises within transhumanism are seen as controversial and it seems that they ask very specific ethical question when it comes in how to deal with these challenges.
But seems to fails in capturing the wider image meaning the relationality with :non-human actors include both organic non humans such as animals,plants, bacteria, cells etc and technological non human others such as codes,networks, devices and the like. and how these technological practises-developments and future possibilities are situated within a globally linked and technologically mediated