The Honey Phenomenon Summary

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The Honey Phenomenon By Dr. Joshua Levitt - Full Review Hi friend and welcome! Below you 'll find our full review of “The Honey Phenomenon - How This Liquid Gold HEALS Your Ailing Body” by Dr. Joshua Levitt, N.D. We will start out with a general overview of The Honey Phenomenon guide, continue with details regarding its main pros and cons, and in the last sentences summarize everything that we think will help you decide if Dr. Joshua Levitt’s book really worth your money or not. Without further ado, let 's begin :) Let’s face it. We all know that obesity increases your risk of developing certain health conditions, and that sugar can aggravate some chronic conditions. We also know that sugar is addictive, and that if you consume …show more content…

While it’s possible for your body to enter a state known as XXXketosis XXX and burn fat for energy, the truth is that getting into that state, and staying there, requires you to watch what you eat very carefully. If you slip up and eat too many carbohydrates, your body will go back to preferentially burning sugars – and you’ll end up feeling tired and drained when you go ‘low carb’ again. Some people can manage the kind of logging and measuring that is required to stay in ketosis, but for most, it is so much easier to just eat the ‘right’ kind of sugars – and honey is the perfect choice for this. In the Honey Phenomenon eBook, Dr. Joshua Levitt shows you exactly how you can use honey in order to stick to your diet and get better weight loss results. Learn What To Avoid As well as helping you to understand how honey can help you and how you should incorporate it into your diet in an effective and efficient way, you will also learn what other sugars to …show more content…

These bonus items, as well as the main guide, are backed by full money back guarantee for two months… Cons Not A Complete Weight Loss Solution “The Honey Phenomenon - How This Liquid Gold HEALS Your Ailing Body” is packed full of information about honey, but it’s not a miracle cure for every ailment or problem. For example, while this guide set includes a great cookbook and a useful guide to the benefits of honey that you can use to cook better and to break your sugar addiction, this alone won’t make you lose weight if the rest of your diet is on point. Not For Everyone There are some people who should be careful with honey, too. For example, people who are diabetic will need to follow their doctor’s advice when taking anything that is very sweet and full of simple carbohydrates. Very young children should not take honey either, because their immune systems are not fully developed – but this is something that is covered in-depth in the guide. Only Digital Copy At the moment, The Honey Phenomenon guide is offered only in digital