The Importance Of Active Listening Skills

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Question 1:
It is important as a manager of a company to know how to deal with other people. Having strong verbal and active listening skills helps in building great work connections. To avoid misunderstanding active listening skills are helpful. Also, to make a point of view negotiating is a key.
Active listening technique is paying attention to the words being said with actual interest and giving back a response. While hearing is only perceiving the sounds of the words, without comprehending or managing to understand the problem. . It’s an extraordinary method for reflecting back what the other individual has communicated to tell them you are tuning in with your whole-heart attention. The effectiveness in listening necessarily depends on the interrelationships between the sender and the receiver of the message, which is found to be an important skill especially for the managers in business organizations while obtaining need-based information to perform their jobs successfully. The quality of relationships with others and job effectiveness largely depend on the listening ability of the individual concerned. Lack of listening ability at all the levels in the organizations lead to work-related problems. To become a good listener, one needs to practice and acquire special skills so that the necessary information sent by the speaker is well received by the active listener. A lot of concentration and firm determination is required to become an active listener. (Rane, 2011). As said by Stephen R. Covey, “Most people will not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with …show more content…

Active listening used in this situation helped in avoiding a huge misunderstanding as when as building relationship between the coworkers. Plus, it encouraged them to become clearer and to speak

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