Anger In Relationship Marketing Essay

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Anger is the most important emotion in customer social relationship and it can effects on a person who experience this emotion (Lazarus, R. S., 1991). Anger is related hostile behavior of the customer (Berry, 1995). When a customer experience the poor quality of service rude employee attitude or faces the failure of the service by the supplier his anger emotions can affect his relationship. (Bougie, R., Pieters, R. & Zeelenberg, M., 2003). Customer behavioral intention to continue purchasing relationship with exiting service provider can be effect when anger increase. In this kind of situation customer never like to repurchase the product or service even he can damage the brand image with negative word of mouth. (Nyer, 1997).some time satisfaction …show more content…

And it could be very important factor to enhance the customer & service provider relationship and a tool to satisfy the customer in long run. (Anderson, E. & Weitz, B., 1992)
In many researcher points of view the organization commitment is very important concept of relationship marketing and measured as a key mediating variable of relationship marketing. (Morgan, R. and Hunt, S., 1994) the literature of the relationship marketing conclude that organizational commitment can play vital role positive relationship between partners as well as customers and organization and build up relational value like trust, teamwork, consent, loyalty and satisfaction. (Fruchter, G.E. & Sigué, S.P., 2004)
Every research based on deductive or inductive approach in other words qualitative or quantitative approach. When we use qualitative or inductive approach we collect the data, analyze data conclude data and on basis of our finding develop a theory. On the other hand when a researcher used deductive or quantitative approach, first of all define his variable, hypothesis, on the basis of his hypothesis collect data to approve or reject his hypothesis with the help of statistical analysis and his

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