Beauty Vs Beauty Analysis

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a Chinese proverb that perfectly illustrates the rift between how men and women are held to different ideals when it comes to beauty, a woman’s physical beauty, is far more important than her inner beauty, to a point where physical beauty is more than enough to consider her complete, while a man’s wisdom and character is far more important than his physical appearance, and a man is never to be criticized based on beauty.
This of course doesn’t mean that men don’t adhere to a certain ideal of beauty, it’s just that theirs is more of an inner desire to be beautiful, and appeal to others on more than just the inner beauty front, it is a desire to conform to society’s rules, but it is not law, and if a man decides to go against the grain, they might face consequences, but they can rest assured that they won’t be judged on that one trait alone..

Women on the other hand have always had to fight that battle on multiple fronts, while following the norm was most important, it was never enough, and any young girl who decides to go against society and follow a more personal path often faced the wrath of the community from being branded a weird and eccentric girl, to being ostracized and shunned from society, no one wanted to marry the girl who didn’t shave …show more content…

there’s still a lot of ground to cover when it comes to general, unassuming sexism. It is something that is so embedded in our being, that even women who identify as feminists will still find themselves judging a woman based on her looks or clothes

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