Brand Identity In Advertising

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Apparently in the last decades there was noticed an increased competition among the cities what made Governments all around the world realize that brands are necessary to make a city salient and recognizable and started to apply methods used in marketing sphere in order to attract investments, residents and tourists. This new brunch of marketing got its own name- place branding- in 1990s, which aim was to make cities more distinguishable from other cities (Twitchel 2005) by creating favorable image and identity. Place branding was becoming a widely used practice of application of marketing tools in order to foster social and economic development of territorial entities: cities, regions, countries. Lucarelli and Berg (2011) claim that there …show more content…

According to Lynch (1960), identity is about extent to which people recognize place as being different from other places, this is a distinction which is clearly visible and can be a logo, a slogan or a design of the branded object. Riza et al. (2012, p. 294) emphasize that identity has to be exclusive and distinguish the city obviously and visibly at first sight. Hence identity is crucial for the external representation, reputation and image and hence its elements have to be elaborated meticulously to avoid alteration of them in future, because it can then become problematic to deliver a coherent, sustainable and successful brand to target audience. It is assumed by Wheeler (2009, p. 4) that identity is capable of fueling recognition and “makes big ideas and meaning accessible” to target audience. Identity differentiates cities by emphasizing their distinctive image, fosters awareness, recognition and encourages perceptions about the branded object. Hospers (2010, p. 32) states that cities which possess distinctive features or “physical objects” (Eiffel Tower, Sydney Opera House, Rio de Janeiro Carnaval) are easier to brand and promote, because those tangible attributes evoke associations …show more content…

Powerful and strong brands are as a rule a source of economic income, which is going to grow if target audience is loyal to the brand. Thus, Aaker (2014, p. 10-11) emphasizes three assets of brand equity – awareness, associations and loyalty – which have to be considered in the process of brand building and developing. The first dimension – brand awareness – is known to affect perceptions of people, because they tend to think positively about the things they are familiar with. The fact that brand is recognized can be a sign of brand success and commitment of consumers. The second dimension – associations which brand elements (design, product attributes, design, innovativeness) trigger are capable of connecting the brand target group to the brand and influence on their relationship and experience with the brand. During the process of brand management it is crucial to decide which associations have to be developed and how to connect them with the brand and foster. The last mentioned by Aaker (2014, p. 11) dimension is loyalty, which is persistent over time once it was achieved and then the goal of the brand- makers is only to make this loyalty attachment even stronger, more intense, rich and

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