Essay On Why Bullying Is Bad

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Why do you do it? Why do you bully? What have these kids done to deserve to be bullied? Nobody deserves to be made fun of or talked about everyday. Sometimes bullying leads to committing suicide and that’s the last thing that needs to happen in this world we live in. Too many people are getting bullied because the bullies aren’t confident in their own lives, so they have to bring others down with them. Bullying shouldn’t be a thing, we shouldn’t bring others down with us when we’re having a hard time. Life sucks but we shouldn’t make others lives miserable too. Kids these days are bullied because of the way they look, how much money they have or don’t have, and because others are jealous of what they have.
Everybody looks different, they have …show more content…

Bullying is when someone uses superior strength or influence to intimidate others, typically to force him or her to do what one wants. It’s when they are continuously doing something to you that offends you. For example if somebody is looking at you or accidently bumps into you, that’s not bullying, but if somebody says offensive things to you everyday or they are always telling you to do things for them, that is bullying. Bullying is meant to hurt. The goal of bullying is to embarrass the victim and make the bully look better. It may start out as negative teasing, but when it’s done repeatedly with the intent of being hurtful or threatening, it becomes bullying. You don’t have to dismiss someone forever, but you don’t have to spend time with them. It’s okay to leave negative people in your life behind. If all someone does is bring you down, leave them behind, you don’t need that in your life. Bullies think that when they hurt others, then they are winning and that is their plan from the beginning. Bullying of any sort is an imbalance of power. The victim usually hasn’t provoked the bullying. He also might not be able to defend himself. Bullies don’t back down. Their intention is to be hostile and their goal is to be in

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