The Importance Of Persistence Dance

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Are you always looking at successful business people, and wishing you had their luck, but feel you haven't got it. Then don't think you're the only one because business is not about luck. Sure, every once in a while, someone is in the right place, at the right time, but that alone does not make for long term business success.

To be great in your business, you must be sure to keep persistence dance today. A lot of people want to be successful but they do not realize the type of work that is required to do so. Many of us want to make full-time incomes being self-employed but it requires a lot of dedication and time. There is a lot to be learned about yourself from having your own business, just be sure that persistence is at the front of your …show more content…

Another word for consistency here would be reliability. If the people you deal with know that they can expect certain results from you, every time, you're halfway to success. Just make sure, of course, that those results are …show more content…

If you don't have goals to work toward, there's very little likelihood that you will be traveling in the right direction, is there? Make your goals manageable, and achievable, by breaking them into smaller chunks, and quantifying them. Instead of saying, "I want to make more sales," say, "In the next three months, I want to cold call on ten new clients per week." See how that seems much more focused, and achievable.


Have you ever been accosted by a salesperson, and you could just tell that they had no faith in their product and that their only goal was to part you and your money? Chances are you didn't buy, did you? Successful business people, like successful sales people, are lit by the inner fire of belief.

They believe in themselves, their products and services, and their vision. If you have that, then every obstacle becomes surmountable, every setback becomes a challenge, rather than a failure.

So you see, business is about a lot more than luck. There's a healthy dose of personality involved too.Therefore, when you keep track of the excellent points in your business, keep your promises to stakeholders, and do more than what you are paid for, you are more likely to achieve lasting success in the business world.Without persistence, you will give up on things too quickly and one not see any results from the work you've put

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