A Good Friend: A Qualitative Analysis Of Friendship

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This paper is going to argue a position whether male and females can or cannot be just friends. Can opposite sexes have a bona fide and healthy friendship? It is a foundation base for both parties, female and male, being heterosexual. Many people in relationships find it difficult accepting the fact that their beloved one has a loving friendship with a friend from the opposite sex, even though they don’t admit finding it hard. They sometimes ask themselves, are they indeed just friends? We will explore the foundation in which makes a genuine friendship and what are the ingredients involved in the stew of a friendship. Furthermore, the author will be stating several reasons why cross-sex friendships are not possible. Ideas such as why having a friendship with …show more content…

Men and women are usually asked if they find their friends sexually attractive. In response, they say "no I do not see them as attractive because they are not my type," or "they are too short for me," etc. As stated in the article, What Is a Good Friend: A Qualitative Analysis of Desired Friendship Qualities “Men and women were not very different in reporting proximity, similarity, and attractiveness as desired qualities in a friend. In both groups, the similarity was the most reported out of the three, and attractiveness was the least reported” (Griffen, 2011). On the other hand, friendship must consist of equality for each one another. By stating a friend is not attractive, there are not seen as equal. To put it another way, if a person finds someone not attractive they are putting themselves above them. Even though the person has no intention claiming inequality, they are still stating the friend is not good enough to be taken out for a date; therefore, they are not seeing them as an equal individual. In friendship, there must be equality within each of the

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