Cultural Differences In Human Culture

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This shared cultural identity is essentially determined by difference from other people. A group of people feels they belong to a group, which defines itself as a group, by noticing and highlighting differences with other groups and cultures. Hence, any culture naturally defines itself in relation to and in contradistinction from other cultures. So, while human beings share the same nature and reason, the expressions of this human nature into the different modes of life and different human activities are diverse, hence the diversity of human culture. The diversity of human cultures represents “various expressions of one nature – the human nature.” This diversity is an “indication of the creativity and resourcefulness of the human nature.”13 …show more content…

EMERGING REALITIES AND THEIR IMPACT ON CULTURAL VALUES AND IDENTITY 59 that no one way recommends itself as the only adequate human way or even the best possible way.” (Smith 1991, 307). As we recognize the right of each people and cultural community to affirm and preserve its cultural identity and have it respected by others, they must also recognize the equality and dignity of all cultures. No culture should dominate and dictate others, and no culture should regard others as inferior to other cultures. No culture can claim that it is the universal culture and therefore must be followed by others. Cultural pluralism is the recognition and respect for the different cultures of the world (Aguas 2003, 111). Although cultures are embodied in particular identities, that should not hinder the quest for common values. There are common values that are inherent in each culture, values that maybe considered as universal. Universality however, is not synonymous with …show more content…

EMERGING REALITIES AND THEIR IMPACT ON CULTURAL VALUES AND IDENTITY 61 Democratic and Social Participation. Social participation is essential to dialogue. Participation takes place both within the society, wherein the individuals are the participants and among societies, wherein individual societies comprise the global society. Whether within society or among societies, participation should always be democratic. Within society, individuals should be given the opportunity to fully participate in the society especially in matters that affect his person and life. According to the UNESCO, cultural democracy is based on the broadest possible participation by the individual and society in the creation of cultural goods, in decision-making concerning cultural life and in the dissemination and enjoyment of culture.20 The participation of all individuals in cultural life requires the elimination of inequalities based on social background and status, education, nationality, age, language, sex, religious beliefs, health or the fact of belonging to ethnic, minority or fringe groups. In the international or global level, or the global society, every society within the global society must be given the opportunity

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