Dental Hygiene Research Papers

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Dental hygiene is an important contributor and factor to overall body health and complexion, moreover, an individual’s dental health is an indicator of potential physical diseases. An article from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) mentions how a dry mouth, soreness, mouth ulcers, and periodontitis, a disease that damages the connection between the gums and bones and can cause teeth to fall out can indicate diabetes (“Diabetes and Oral” para 2). Dr. Gary Perlman says that patients are at risk of losing their life if their periodontal disease is not spotted and contained quickly, which occurs more often than not because periodontal disease is painless and therefore can go unnoticed for a while, making it a very …show more content…

Plaque is a layer of bacteria that constantly forms on teeth, and brushing teeth regularly and cleaning between tooth surfaces daily removes it. However, plaque that has gone out of control can cause gums to recede from the teeth, forming pockets in which more bacteria can collect. Plaque can also harden into calculus, commonly known as tartar, along and under a person's gums. Small gaps in the teeth and areas where the gums and teeth meet are a serious problem in the mouth in that they are difficult to reach by just regular brushing and unprofessional flossing, which can eventually cause plaque to build up and eventually harden into tartar, which in the end results in gum damage and ultimately tooth decay and gum diseases.The combination of bacteria growth in the gums and the formation of tartar leads to the development of gingivitis, which if it goes untreated, leads to periodontal disease. Ignoring periodontal disease has many adverse side effects, including swollen red gums that are prone to bleeding that recede from the teeth, persistent bad breath, pus in between tooth surfaces and the gums, loose teeth, and damage to the jawbones. However, if the signs of developing gingivitis and periodontal disease are spotted early on, a professional may be able to reverse the damage with intense cleaning and the patient’s cooperation via taking care of their teeth with regular cleanings at home. However, if a patient …show more content…

The disease then slowly grows and develops in the mouth out of sight to the human eye. When the cancerous growth is finally discovered, it is often too late to do anything about it. This leads to the conclusion that waiting often leads to fatality, and a method of early detection must be developed. That is why sometimes a panoramic X-ray can be used to find abnormalities such as hidden cavities and gum disease before it is too late. Panoramic X-rays can also assist in finding patients with jaw joint problems, help determine if someone needs full or partial dentures, assist in the placement of braces, find impacted teeth, and most importantly, help identify people who are at risk or already have oral cancer or other growths on the jaw (Gordon para 6). The panoramic X-ray can also to locate some uncommon problems, such as calcification within the carotid artery, which can help figure out how high the potential of developing a stroke is. In another unusual situation, Dr. Jerry Gordon once had a patient who had been suffering for years with frequent sinus infections, the panoramic X-ray later revealed that an infected tooth was growing upside-down in his sinus, which explained why the patient had recurring sinus infections. “The panoramic X-ray is an

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