The Importance Of Digital Media

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People now living in an era of knowledge. We must realize that there are a good and bad contents. People should choose the best content because there are many different types of media to deliver the information. Media in the past was limited to a few cities and was used to supports the government’s own goals, but today this has been turned upside down. People now have power. The country is being led by these people who have the power to control society and to publish their own content on different media (Smith, 2013). Also, the media is a proper tool to access different groups of people in the society, and it is an effective tool in the society. Have you ever wondered how the digital media has changed and become more effective? In this essay, I will focus on how digital media is available to everyone, the easier to access and how fast information is received. Digital media has become available to everyone around the world. It helps us to transfer both sound and image rather than printing or old media. These days, people are using the internet to get information. This is because of the widespread changes in society via connections to the World Wide Web and social media (Smith, 2013). The internet helps users get information since it is available in almost every country. In the past, was difficult for people to connect through the different media because only a few people such as the rich and powerful could afford it. In addition, the internet was limited to small areas in a

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