Stages Of Child Development

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Development: Development can be described as the process in which someone grows to become more advanced (Cambridge, 2016). There are various types of development which are important in the growth of a child. These areas are; emotional, social, cognitive and physical development. All these areas of development will be further researched and the various factors affecting these areas of development will be identified. Emotional Development: Emotional development is the growth of a person’s expression, understanding and regulation of emotions (Odle, 2016). A child experiences many emotion-related components that develop as the child matures and grows. This can include expressive behavior and psychological patterning. (Saarni, 2011) Factors …show more content…

The bonding between a mother and her child is a very important stage in the child’s life as it has an effect on the development and structure of the child’s brain (Earhart, 2015). When a child is held, cuddled or even spoken to it stimulates brain growth which promotes emotional development. Being breastfed and kept close to the mother also provides a child with a sense of security. This enables a child to be more confident, empathetic and results in a higher self-esteem (Life, 2013). All the individuals interviewed mentioned that nurturing a child is very important for emotional development. One of the remedial teachers who were interviewed mentioned that when children come from abusive backgrounds their emotions are not fully developed and they tend to be fearful and less confident. Whereas children who are given love and attention develop emotionally and are able to adjust well in society (Jonker, …show more content…

Children become socialized through the interactions between their siblings, parents and relatives. Children who have been in a nurturing environment are ready for group environments and fit in well at school. Children who have not developed strong attachments with someone or have not been raised in a nurturing environment have a difficult time adjusting to school and the complexity of the social system (Seefeldt, 2010). The positive nurturing experience between a child and their parent has a significant impact on the social development of the child. This involves the close, emotional interactions between a child and the parent (Reinsberg, 2015). However, when interviewing the various individuals, it was also mentioned that if a child has experienced a death in the family or even a divorce that could also affect how they develop socially. It was also mentioned that various medical problems could affect how children