Essay On The Importance Of Emotional Intelligence In Education

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Emotional Intelligence is a form of understanding that involves the talent to distinguish one’s and others feelings and emotions (Goleman 1995) therefore it is an engagement in processing sophisticated information into one’s and others emotions and being able to use this vital piece of information to guide one’s and others thinking and behavior (Mayer, Salovey and Caruso, 2008). Researchers indicate that emotional skills are associated with countless success in many different areas such as: in employment sector, social life as well as schools which is why, in modern society, educators are becoming more aware of the importance, that all students are given the opportunity to enhance their emotional development. Emotional intelligence can have a beneficial effect when being taught to students, taught by teachers as well as its affect on the families of the students. First of all, students should …show more content…

Improving the ties between the children and parents helps to enable more room for communications; children would open up more in terms of expressing their feelings to their parents, which will then strengthen the relationship between the child and the parents. Furthermore, this would later on have a positive impact on the child as their negativity and insecurities are dealt at an early age because, emotional intelligence help parents to empathize more towards their children. On the contrary, children can start ‘acting’ up and fake their emotions to get what they want; this can influence and lead the parents to fulfilling their child’s wishes. Thus encouraging the kids to behave in certain ways in order to manipulate their parents using emotional intelligence. Despite the disadvantages, parents have the ability to help motivate and encourage their children in situations when they feel their children are feeling stress and

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