The Importance Of Empathic Communication

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Communicating is not an easy task. It is not just about one person interacting with another but it is to build and communicate a relationship (Thompson, N., 2011, p. 13). Specifically, communication that is empathic requires a certain skill and characteristics in order to be effective. Personally, I have experienced listening and responding to another individual that can be perceived as empathic. The qualities, skills, and characteristics involved are demonstrated effectively that helped resolve the issue and establish a relationship. However, due to some communication barriers that may arise, this is not always the case. During the times when I felt depressed and anxious, a significant individual helped me resolve it by communicating with …show more content…

After our conversation, I felt relieved, my emotions subsided and I feel less tense. For me, those are the outcomes because of his competent and empathic …show more content…

One barrier that I try to deal with every time I talk to my significant other is a psychological noise, specifically, emotions. I am the kind of person who says whatever is on my mind and my emotions greatly affect that. When I had a fight with my ex-boyfriend we were both angry, there were no chances for listening and talking calmly. I also wasn’t able to do perception checking. I immediately jumped into conclusion when he was not able to message me for the whole day. Also, when I let him talk, I was being the defensive listener, where “I perceive his comments as an attack” (Adler, R., G., R., & Sevigny, A., 2015, p.172). Despite all that, I believe that we can learn from mistakes. The mistake I did was when I let my emotions get me during that situation and I should have responded in a calm manner. Furthermore, I could have let him explain and listen because he might just be busy during that time or he was grounded for the day. For situations such as this, I realized the importance of perception checking to verify my thoughts and to “better handle my interpretations” (Adler, R., G., R., & Sevigny, A., 2015, p.54). Additionally, I will prevent the psychological noise from ruining the relationship by interacting in a calm manner and letting my time to think about my

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