The Importance Of Environmental Inequality

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Transportation access for poor people and wealthy people will become more equal. In particular, social justice advocates contended that there was a relationship between social inequality and environmental inequality that needed to be recognized and understood more clearly. When it came to social justice issues, mainstream environmentalist did not focus on environmental inequalities to the extent they should have. The minorities and the poor lived in the most degraded environments. For poor people especially in the village or in a rural places most of them there are no own car. So, most people in that area use their neighbor’s vehicles for transportation. Other than that, in some cases, some people in rural areas which have their own vehicle transport will utilize their personal vehicle to provide as a taxi services to other people in that areas. This is form as carpooling even though the people in rural areas sometimes charge for the rides sometimes. This is different with other country like United States and other industrialized countries which there are both environmental and social benefits to carpooling. For example, they can ride in the high occupancy vehicle lanes, social capital, tax benefit and others. The carpooling in rural areas do reduce the overall carbon footprint of the region by alleviating the need for all the rural people to get a car. This also helps to alleviate the traffic congestion in that area. Sometimes, in rural areas

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