Ethical Issues In Research Ethics

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INTRODUCTION During the duration of this essay, I will be discussing and conceptualising ethics, more focused on what unethical research is. The term ethics can be broadly defined as the study of the ideas involved in practical reasoning of what is good, right, duty, obligation, virtue, freedom, rationality, and choice in everyday life (Oxford, 2017). In addition to this the term ethical research is interested in the study of ethical issues that is raised when people are involved as participants in research (Walton, n.d.). Brinkmann and Kvale (2008, p. 263) stated that most ethical complexities arise because of the investigation into others private lives and then making those findings public. Furthermore, I will look at what is unethical in research and how it is presented throughout the research process. Thereafter, I will investigate the most commonly found ethical issues and principles in conducting research. And I will be discussing what can be done by researches to prevent this sort of action. 1. WHAT IS UNETHICAL RESEARCH? Ethics in itself is a broad term that is an important factor in all occupations, in …show more content…

A researcher must ensure confidentiality for his or her participant, and the researcher’s job is to be focused on protecting the privacy of the parties involved, the subjects have the right to expect that their personal information will not be divulged (Hill, 2009, p. 63). It is important that there is a trusting relationship between the researcher and participant so that there is truthful information given, but the participant should be aware that there are limitations to their confidentiality. If there is speak of harm to self or others or abuse to self or others the researcher is legally obligated (through code of conduct) to tell authorities about this (Hill, 2009, p.

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