Media Stereotypes

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In today 's growing economy and demanding society, it has become increasingly hard for media houses to tell authentic stories whilst staying in demand. As there comes a time where there are no new stories or scandals or simply many stories have become obsolete from being over told, making it harder for media houses to find information that sells and pays their employees bills. In South Africa with the emergence of fake new sites every hour we see the pressure on these media houses increase daily. Media houses play a big role in creating and shaping our opinions as well as strengthening the society and in a democracy, they play the role of watchdogs as they monitor the works of the elected parties and are whistle blowers whenever certain representatives are not acting in society 's best interest. Therefore, it …show more content…

Which is not only a breach of people is democratic right but it is also unethical. People automatically believe what is written on the news as true and this affects their perceptions and decision which is why I for one am totally against the existence of fake news sites seeing as they are parasitically emerging in South Africa, which is a problem because image if a potential investor comes across one of these site and finds an article which creates a bad image of South Africa, the Donald Trump campaign is a true reflection of how fake news isn 't only targeting celebrities but is playing a huge part in a countries

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