Food Security And Food Insecurity

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Food security and food insecurity are concepts used to describe whether or not households have access to sufficient quality and quantity of food. Food security is assumed at the global, national, household and individual levels. Food security at global level may not guarantee food security at the national level. Moreover, food security at the national level does not guarantee food security at the household or individual level (Robert Aidoo, 2013).

As studies showed that availability of food, access to food and risks related to either access or availability of food are the essential determinants of food security. Food production, stockholding and trade are the primary determinants of national, regional and local availability of food. Variations …show more content…

1.2 Statement of the problem

Food is supposed to be one of the most basic human needs with in a hierarchy of concern (Maslow, cited in Handy 1985). Within this hierarchy food security stands as fundamental needs, basic to all human needs and the organization of social life. Access to necessary nutrients is fundamental not only to life but also to stable and enduring social order (Hopkins, 1986).

A society which can be said to enjoy food security is not only one which has reached the food norm but which has also developed the internal structures that will enable it to sustain the norm in the face of crises threatening to lower the achieved level of food consumption (Oshaug, 1985). Oshaug also argues that the dimension of human dignity as a further condition of food security, suggesting that it depends on a self respect, freedom of choice and action and mutually beneficial …show more content…

The involvements of NGOs in addressing food insecurity and in helping poor people to have access to diversified livelihood sources in Ethiopia in general and in Koladiba district in particular since their engagement in the area is visible. However despite all these involvements of NGOs in Koladiba district, still there is large number of food insecure households. Bearing this gap in mind, this study is made to assessment on the contributions of NGOs to food security in Koladiba

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