Millennials: Growing Up In The Digital Era

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The following document examines millennials and how growing up in the digital era places them in a different mindset than other generations, which immensely effects their occupations and how they perform in the work environment.

Digital Era
I would certainly agree that millennials have grown up in a digital era with technology surrounding them from young ages. I was using a computer and typing before I could even do simple mathematics in elementary school. I would wake up a few hours before school started so that I could start my day off with some technology time. In fourth grade I got my first cellphone and learned how to maneuver it in just a few short hours of having it. I naturally picked up on it pretty fast which my parents and grandparents …show more content…

I understand there is already a lot of that in workplaces, but I could see millenials taking it to a new level. We grew up doing everything in teams at school which rubs off on us millennials and makes it a challenge for many individuals to be indepent. I personally could see myself bringing a new level of dedication into whatever company I end up working for. I feel like a lot of my generation can relate to this since a large majority of millenials have a one tracked mine they can use this to their advantage to zone in and get work done more …show more content…

Such as replacing older traditions and work values with new ideas. Although, I have yet to meet many good millennial leaders I feel like the few that I do know are incredibly influential. Additionally, a lot millenials I know place a major emphasis on wanting to be right and thinking they know what is best which could be beneficial in the work environment since they may not let their employees have too much power over them. Which in my opinion is beneficial since everyone should know who is in charge in such

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