The Importance Of Happiness And Happiness

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Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind. – Marcel Proust

Nothing remains constant in this world. In our life there comes a time when we feel the loss of someone close to our heart, it creates an emptiness – a dark side of life, an incompleteness – a sudden pause in a crowded moment.

In those moments a bright sunny day or even a free moment seems empty to you.

Everything that we feel in those moments seems sad to us, all those questions and feeling comes in front of your eyes. All those memories and attachments, in fact, we suffer because we miss those good moments. We try to compare those moments with our present, but no matter what we do, we knew that we would never be able to bring those …show more content…

No matter who you’re – where ever you come from – nor it matters your opinion, it flows on.

If you’re surfing from grief and sadness, know that you are missing another moment from your life. You never know what good for you and what’s bad. You can only be able to live at the moment, create and work at this time – make this moment awesome for your whole life.

If you’re sad for someone – know that love doesn’t mean sadness – love means happiness. If you love someone, let them be free, better to see your loved ones free from your grief and sadness. We love someone because we want to see them happy. Do you think that your grief will make your loved ones happy?

In fact, our life thrives in two ways, one that is the illusion and other that is divine, and love is divine; all the other things are illusions. We take part in illusion to support our divine. In the other way around, we find our nectar in love; and then love becomes our support system in this chaotic …show more content…

It’s not a one-day miracle – you will overcome your pain day by day. However, remember in your mind that it’s a phase, so don’t blame yourself for the pity feelings that are happening with you.

Accept Changes: Sometimes it becomes hard for us to accept the reality. In fact, we become the victim of uncontrollable emotions. We start to ignore our loved ones especially those who care for us above all. But we need to remember since we can’t change the past nor can change the lost ones it better to move on.

Acquire Strength: Don’t let yourself to fall apart. Follow a healthy lifestyle, give yourself a good diet. Practice daily meditation and yoga, do some running, breath in and out, feel the freshness in the air.

Create Possibilities: There is happiness lies in every second and minute in this world, but only if we look positively towards life. Sadness only creates troubles and misfortunes, and it never gives you a happier past. A good memory is like a medicine it brings happiness and smile on your lips. In fact, life is an adventure we should appreciate it as it comes to

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