The Importance Of Liberalism In The Cold War

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Although the Cold War seems to be an ideological rivalry between the capitalism and capitalism, it accidentally catalyzes a great myriad of transnational cooperation and the reinvention of liberalism. Liberalism has evolved to be a dominant political ideology, neoliberalism, since 1970s. The notion of neoliberalism is that transnational institutions are conducive to global changes, harmony and prosperity through launching international programme. Differed from other theories solely recognizing the sovereign states as the only actor, neoliberalism also emphasizes the participation of other actors, such as the transnational corporations (TNC), which are the enterprises conduct economic activities or production of goods and services in multiple states, and non-governmental organizations (NGO). Besides, neoliberalism does not only attend to high-political issues, for instances, collective security, but also the low-politics in economic and cultural aspects. In the light of the main theme of neoliberalism, one may also conclude globalization is beneficial to all. Still, globalization would also engender some challenges, for instances, the North/ South division, to all. Therefore, this thesis destines to discuss the deficiencies and …show more content…

It is de facto that various multinational platforms established under the political globalization are alternatives for waging wars when countering any international issues, such as territorial disputes and human rights. To cite an illustration, The Treaty of establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) signed by countries including the feuds, Germany and France, in order for further economic cooperation for peace. In Schuman Declaration, one of the objectives of founding the ECSC is eliminating the age-lone opposition between Germany and France. After all, Germany and France could settle down their

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