The Role Of People In The 21st Century

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In 21st century, people really creative and very smart. As the evolution is going on and on, nothing can caused human being from stuck something in their mind. People find anyways to create things for living. Just little case exceptional like spirit, alien or something which make up by different religions and belief that they can’t clarify clearly. However, people really can change and develop in everyday life and they can even prove it to the world. Like thousand years ago, people find it difficult to travel from place to place in thousand miles away in just a few hours that they have to spend both time and energy. But now, people can even travel in million miles away just in a few hours. Another things which so interesting are, people can talk to another people everywhere and anytime. They can see each other through their mobile phone even they stay in different places in the world. No matter where they are or no matter what happened, nowadays, people live much better than before. …show more content…

Because there are less people in the world, they don’t need much things and the invention of people was still limit compared to nowadays, world population reached to 7 billion people according to United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs in July 2014. Because the population is high and it increases day by day, people have to struggle to live in a good life. They find anyways to make life easier and

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