Ethics In Facebook

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We are living in world that is held captive by technology. The question which occurs is if we have a way out?
Mass Communication is the process of transferring or transmitting a message to a large group of people. This requires different forms of mediums eg.newspapers, television or the internet. Mass Communication also refers to an academic study of how messages are relayed to large groups of people instantaneously. Mass Communication is offered at many universities as a subject worldwide due to its pertinence to people globally. The different types of mediums I am going to discuss are Facebook and twitter.
Facebook has over one billion active users. Users must register before using the site, after which they may create a profile, …show more content…

It refers to specific elements of a human being that they are conducting in their lives. The word ethics is also known as a moral philosophy, which means that it, is the study of moral behaviour in humans, how they act and how they choose to react. Ethics may be divided into four major areas of study.
Meta ethics
This study is based on how we understand, know about and what we mean when we talk about right or wrong. Studies of how this form of ethics is divided into cognitivist and non-cognitivism.Non-cognitivist are the claim that when we judge something as right or wrong this is neither true nor false. This is also where that is when we talk about right and wrong, we are talking about proven facts.

This is the study of ethical action. It investigates a set of questions that comes up considering of how one acts, in terms of hisher morals. It examines standards for the rightness, wrongness and fairness of an issue. To make it clearer for example it would be concerned with determining what proportion of people believes that rape can be justified and how many totally disagree with tithe morals of this ethics are both descriptive and

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