Gratifications Theory

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Uses and gratifications theory assumes that the audience actively seek media in a targeted way that provides them with the help of pleasing a wide range of needs (Katz, Blüml, Gurevitch 1974;. Palm Green et al, 1985). In recent years, the theory has been reworded to stress comparisons between gratifications sought from a medium with gratifications obtained (GO). The underlying process is now conceived as an iterative one in which initial expectations about the outcome of media exposure (the gratifications sought) is constantly changed through observation of gratifications actually derived from the media, feeding back into the gratifications sought through future media exposure (Palm Green et al., 1985). Gratifications sought itself does not predict media behavior very good; they have far greater explanatory power compared with gratifications obtained (Palm Green, Wenner and Rayburn, 1981; Larose et al, 2001). The gratifications sought gratifications obtained formulation is apparently in distinguish- …show more content…

The triadic causal mechanism is mediated by symbolizing abilities that transforms sensory experiences in cognitive models that govern actions. Human capacity for vicarious learning allows individuals to acquire rules of behavior without physical adopting behavior, but rather, by observing others. Direct experience with adopting behaviors also affect these perceptions and called enactive learning. Individuals use their capacity for consideration for planning measures, set goals and forutseatferds consequences. Through evaluations of personal experience and self-assessment of their thought processes, they employ a self reflective ability that helps them better understand themselves, their surroundings, and variations in situational requirements. Outcome expectations, defined as a judge of the likely consequences of a

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