Essay On Importance Of Microbes

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It has long been known of the existence of micro-organisms but only until recently have people been able to understand these simple yet complex creatures and have learned of their significance. Dixon (1994) described microbes as the major backbones of life and without them the world would seize to exist. Yes it is indeed true that micro-organisms play large important roles in the ecosystem, environment we live in and many more, it is also known that some of these microbes may be harmful, but scientists in the world have learned to utilize them to the worlds benefit thus focusing more on what they can get out of them rather than getting rid of them. Microbes have many functions but mainly we look at those that will ensure the survival of mankind such as the roles and importance of …show more content…

It can be said that bacteria are always there when a life is made and when a life is lost. Microbes such as cyanobacteria act as decomposers and devour dead matter meaning that as these cyanobacteria are decomposing they are putting back vital nutrients into the soil making the soil fertile for plant growth. Some microbes such as nitrogen fixing bacteria convert raw nitrogen and convert it to nitrogen ions so that plants are able to take the nitrogen in and use it for various processes such as growth, production of food and reproduction of plants, this will result in healthier plants which will serve as an advantage for human beings as plants are also a source of food and income. Some bacteria are also used to get rid of pollution such as oil spills in the ocean or biodegrading of non-renewable plastic, they also metabolize methane which is a greenhouse gas thus preventing global warming. Various kinds of bacteria such as Lactobacillus, E.coli and Bifidobacterium help humans and various animals with the digestion of complex complex

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