Summary: The Importance Of Music Listening

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Music had fascinated every living thing on earth and one of oldest socio - cognitive domains of the Human species. Music has a great effect on body and mind and it can have a positive effect on hormone system and allows the brain to concentrate more easily and assimilate more information in less time. Music listening varies across culture. I t can be used as a tool to alleviate the stressful situation and improve the efficiency of learning as it has an effect on body. Work and stress is more strongly associated with health complaints than financial or family problems. So, the means to relieve the accumulated stress becomes very important for a common man. Music plays a vital role in relieving the stress. Depending on how sound waves are listened or pronounced, they have an impact in the way neurological (brain and nerve) system work in the human body. Each type of music has its own frequencies, it can either resonate or it can be in conflict with the body’s rhythms (heart rate).

Listening to music regularly helps to keep the neurons and synapse more active (Bennet & Bennet, 2008). Music is often an integral part of people’s daily life. Depending on the way sound waves are listened or …show more content…

On each side of the brain are three main areas: the extension of the spinal cord deep within the brain, called the Brain stem; the cerebellum; and the cerebrum. The brain stem (midbrain, medulla, and pons) controls basic body functions such as heart rate and breathing that operate without any conscious control. Behind the brain stem, the cerebellum is present and is responsible for controlling coordination and balance. The largest area of the brain is the cerebrum, which is divided into four sections, completely wrap around the midbrain. The cerebrum handles conscious and complicated jobs like thinking, speaking, and

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