Why Is Education Important To Me

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I still remember the exhaustion and sadness I felt during that walk to school. At the age of 13, I childishly struggled to wake by 6 am every morning, but I always did so because I knew I had many responsibilities to attend to. One morning I missed my alarm and missed the bus to school. By default, I had neglected my responsibility to wake my 9-year-old brother, prepare us a breakfast, and get him on the bus to school before I sent myself. That morning I cried as I washed up in icy cold water, packed a snack for my brother and not myself because there was not enough for both of us, and prepared for a very long walk. That day I walked well over 6 miles as my brother’s school was in the opposite direction of my own. That day I realized how important my education was to me. Education meant that for a moment I could be selfish in my desires and center myself into a world of my own. Those desires still ring true today.

I grew up in a home that lacked a true sense of compassion, love, and an adult figure that held the responsibility of the household. The effects of this still impact me today, but I never lost my compassion for others. During my sophomore year at …show more content…

I later found myself homeless during the Spring and part of the Summer of 2017. With no income and no financial support from my family, I was evicted from my apartment in Central, SC. Until I could find a means of financial support, I remained homeless for five months hiding in the apartment of one of my friends. I reached out to Dr. Kimberly Poole in the office of Advocacy and Success. With her support and the support of my professor at the time, Dr. Sparace, whom I confided in, she found enough money in the hardship fund to pay for me to get housing during the remainder of the summer until I could get the Biomedical Technician position at Biotest and save enough money to be self-sufficient. I still work there and am able to care for myself better as I power towards

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