An Essay On How To Achieve Goals In Life

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Goals. Love them or hate them, it’s that time of the year when just about

everyone starts to list them out.

Goals are meant to inspire and to motivate. They’re meant to give us focus and

direction in business and in life.

But goals often end up doing the opposite.

When you don’t manage to achieve your goals, you may feel like a loser or a


I’ve been there and chances are so have you…

When you fall short of your goals, it leaves the door open for self-doubt, lack of

confidence and other incredibly damaging beliefs to creep in.

To avoid this pain, many people vow not to bother with goals but this is a huge


There is immense power in setting and achieving goals

When you have something meaningful to aim at and you hit …show more content…

You won’t be afraid to be more ambitious in your business or to try exciting, new

experiences in your personal life.

The point is not to give up on goals altogether but to reframe your mindset so

you can achieve the ones that you set.

Here are 3 simple mindset reframes that will help you achieve your goals in 2017

Mindset Reframe #1 Play the Long Game

One of the biggest mistakes most people make when it comes to creating and

hitting their goals is an unnecessary need for speed.

While some of your goals may be short term — run a marathon, go sky diving —

others need to be maintained over a lifetime.

Achieving a healthy body weight or quitting cigarettes are good examples.

When you’re going for a long-term goal, resist the temptation for speed. This is a

formula for failure.

Instead, look at ways you can sustain your energy and your willpower long

enough to turn these goals into habits that last a lifetime.

Reframe #2 Quit

It’s a four-letter word and you need to get comfortable with it.

Just about every self-help book will tell you that you must never quit. Ever.

This is wrong. It is even dangerous to approach your goals with a “never,

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