The Importance Of Plant Life

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The diversity of plant life is an essential underpinning of most of our terrestrial ecosystems (Singh and Kushwaha, 2008). Humans and most other animals are almost totally dependent on plants, directly or indirectly having ability to use the sun's energy through photosynthesis and produce biomass. Worldwide tens of thousands of species of higher plants, and several hundred lower plants, are currently used by humans for a wide diversity of purposes such as food, fuel, fiber, oil, medicine, spices, dye, fodder etc (Belal and Springuel, 1996; Anon., 2010). In the tropics, about 25,000-30,000 species are in use and up to 25,000 species have been used in traditional medicines (Heywood, 1996). In addition, many thousands of species are grown as ornamentals in parks, public and private gardens, as street trees for …show more content…

Another important role of plant life is the provision of ecosystem services for the protection of watersheds, stabilization of slopes, improvement of soils, moderation of climate and the provision of a habitat for much of our wild fauna

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