Essay On Preschool Education

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Over two decades since the World Conference on Education for All (WCEFA) in Jomtien, provision of preschool education continues to be an integral part of basic education worldwide. The world community that assembled in Dakar, Senegal, in 2000 for the 10th anniversary of Education for All reaffirmed its commitment to provision of preschool education, whose development was set as the first of the six EFA goals. This commitment is in line with the United Nations Convention on Rights of Children (UNCRC) which recognizes access to quality preschool education an inherent right of all children (UNESCO, 2007).

The shift in contemporary educational discourse towards preschool education is anchored on empirical evidence from many countries which support the position that early childhood education programmes can make a highly cost-effective contribution, not only to learning in school but also to the overall development of a child. Young children who receive preschool education of good quality are likely to demonstrate better cognitive and language abilities (Hyde and Kabiru, 2003). In addition, such children enter school with remarkable Maths and Reading skills and are less likely to repeat grades or drop out of school before completion of the cycle ((Burchinal, Vandergrift, Pianta and Mashburn, 2010). …show more content…

In Kenya, assessment of key features that influence quality of preschool programs have mainly focused at indicators such as teacher qualifications, class sizes, nature of learning materials, state of physical infrastructure and existence of feeding programs (Abagi, 2008; Indoshi, Murundu & Okwara, 2010 and Nganga,

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