Chapter 2 Qualitative Research In Mathematics

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Chapter 2

Research Design This descriptive, correlational, quantitative research assesses the relationships and scope to which the predictor variables expound the criterion variable of self-efficacy beliefs of Mathematics teachers handling major subjects specifically those offered to the BSEd-Math students. The study would be conducted in the different State Universities and Colleges in Region I. The predictor variables include teaching experience, social support, professional development, teaching strategies, school climate, attitude towards teaching mathematics, and teacher collaboration. A correlational exploration design, sing path analysis, is the technique of choice for determining if relationships exist between variables …show more content…

Through subsequent analysis in validating the instrument the two items were dropped. The final instrument contains 21 items, 13 items on the Personal Mathematics Teaching Efficacy (PMTE) and eight items on the Mathematics Teaching Outcome Expectancy (MTOE) subscale. Reliability analysis has an alpha coefficient of 0.88 for the PMTE scale and an alpha coefficient of 0.75 for the MTOE scale. Confirmatory factor analysis shows that the two scales are independent. The social support scale consists of 20 questions developed by the researcher, which will be subjected to content validity and test for reliability. Experts will evaluate the validity of the content. In this scale, support from peer and immediate supervisor will have a 5-point Likert scale: “1-Strongly Disagree” to “5-Strongly Agree”. Higher scores indicate that mathematics teachers have enough support, including emotional, as well as material from their institutions, while lower scores indicate that the teachers have a limited or an unsatisfied level of support from their …show more content…

Items were intended (Klassen, R. M., Tze, V. M., Betts, S. M., Gordon, K. A, 2001)to know the extent of support being given to the different stakeholders and how these can work harmoniously in the development of the school and attain positive social learning among students. Moreover, the researcher will use the 5-point Likert scale design, 5 being the highest and 1 being the lowest. Further, the questionnaire will be evaluated and validated by experts in as much as it will also be tested for its

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