Research Methodology: Chapter Review

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This chapter will describe the methodology used in the study which includes a description of the research design, the research tool, sampling procedure, the method of data collection and analysis. The procedure of establishing the validity and reliability of the research instrument is described next. Furthermore, the lessons learnt from piloting the research instrument are also mentioned. The chapter also includes a description of the process of entry negotiation and the ethical considerations that were followed as part of this research study.

3.1 The Research design

A research design is a guideline, plan and procedure for research. Through planning a researcher can make several decisions. In other words, the research design is a detailed plan of how a research will take place. More specifically, the design guides into the process of data collection and analysis.
The researcher used survey research. Survey research is an attempt to obtain data from a population (or a sample) to determine the current status of that population with respect to one or more variables (Fraenkel, Wallen & Hyun, 2012). The major of surveys is to describe the characteristics of a population. In essence, what is researchers …show more content…

Respondents were asked if they were clear about the statements and encouraged to ask for clarity (if required). Those who agreed to participate in the research study were asked to complete the questionnaire immediately. Due to the sensitive nature of the study code numbers were written on the questionnaire instead of asking the respondents to write their names to ensure that the researcher would not be able to distinguish which questionnaire belonged to which respondent. The research participants filled out the self-concept questionnaire in approximately 25

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