Reflective Essay On Self Awareness

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Feelings we experience are a reflection of what we know. Known-knowns strongly influence our view of what is and is not our truth. The greater part of those knowns is passed on to us through generations as granted reality. In some progressive and dynamic communities the known truth is tested. It has evolved to become something entirely different but has stagnated in conservative and traditional ones. Our sense of dreaming and future desires and hence our creativity operates within the domain of those societal senses of reality, known–knowns and senses of truth. This leads the creativity and evolution of our communities towards uninspiring and unexciting known outcomes. It is only when we push the liminal frontiers of our societal knowledge domains that we create a fighting chance of breaking through. Pushing such frontiers a little further make a difference at individual, community, local and global levels albeit still mutilated and muffled by that containment. The foundation of deviance we craft for ourselves early in life equip us with abilities to probe deeper within our inner selves. We strengthen our resolve around our strengths and weaknesses much more than the sheltered. We focus on our emerging self-awareness from a half full position …show more content…

We need to differentiate that which we know and know is unknown. The expansion of the self awareness realm begins with the broadening of our horizons of known-unknowns. The most dangerous and primitive zone to find ourselves in is completely being oblivious of the existence of something. How can we accept its existence if all our senses cannot receive or register signals from the thing? As far as that goes, we argue vehemently of its non-existence when it actually does in reality. Our awareness feeds from our information banks of unknowns. It is this feed we desire to expand

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