Gaslsdorfer Social Marketing

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Advertising on social media (social marketing) has given birth to a new landscape that marketers are still trying to grasp hold of. Juliana Gasselsdorfer analyzed the article “’Likes Lead to Nothing’ And Other Hard-Learned Lessons Of Social Media Marketing”. This article has very in-depth information on how companies may or may not be using social marketing effectively. While Gasselsdorfer gave valuable insight on this article, I want to expand on her ideas and give some of my own insight as well. While not all companies use social marketing effectively or even ethically, there are some that stand out from the rest and supply us with an example of how powerful social marketing can be. Taming the beast that is social marketing may not bring …show more content…

She answers with an argument suggesting that it is because companies who advertise on social media “are becoming less authentic and only showing the public what they want to show them leaving out information.” Although this is probably not the only reason why social media has so much power (one other reason being nearly everyone in America accesses some type of social media every day), there is still truth in this argument, companies do indeed sometimes withhold information. A lie of omission is still a lie, Creative Director of Starz Entertainment Paul Suggett said “This is perhaps the most common type of lie in advertising. Simply put, it’s taking relevant information off the table, so that only the best features of the product or service are highlighted… They are not breaking any laws, they are just messing with language. But out and out lies, they are disproven quickly and will result in some very bad karma for the brand.” Although this may be an effective way to boost short-term sales, it doesn’t seem very ethical, and certainly doesn’t seem like the kind of marketing that will build strong relationships with …show more content…

The downside exists within how marketers choose to use the playground in which they are given. Companies sink a lot of money into social marketing because it is a powerful tool, and like any power tool, it may take a few tries before it is used effectively. It is important to realize that the return companies get from social marketing investments may not be easily measured, and it might be best to forgo the minute measurements linked with social marketing. The blanketing theme here is to boost involvement and engagement to develop lasting relationships with consumers. I think if a company can do this without lying they’re off to a good

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