Extreme Programming Case Study

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Software is key to the success of a business in the global economy. it drives competitive business success. Today, virtually every complex product or service created are based on software systems - it simply is everywhere. When it comes to remaining competitive within the economy, software quality is a crucial factor. Linz 2014 states, in order to create an opportunity to beat the business, the company has to integrate new software in its products or bring software products to the market faster. Software projects suffer from steady deterioration of design quality. This makes it more difficult to maintain good software quality. As software ages it becomes harder to maintain and also can be expensive to maintain. This could mean for some companies …show more content…

This methodology was primarily developed by Kent Beck in the early 90s. It was one of the first Agile methods and it was the dominant agile method in the late 90s and early 00s before Scrum surpassed it in dominance and popularity. Many believe Extreme Programming to be the main catalyst that gained the attention towards agile methodology. According to Moran (pg16 2015) “extreme programming is a high discipline methodology that’s requires adherence to standards and a strong commitment to unit testing, refactoring and integration”. Extreme Programming is taken existing traditional practices to the extreme. “Such as the writing of unit tests prior to implementing the solution in order to clarify what constitutes done and ensure immediate feedback on progress towards and validation of project tasks” (Moran pg16, 2015). Extreme Programming is really developer centric.
Traditional Approach vs the Agile Approach
The traditional approach is trying to enforce process and trying to do strict change management however Agile is about embracing change and accepts change.

The traditional approach towards planning is to do comprehensive upfront test design because if it is not done in the beginnng there will not be a plan at the end. The Agile approach is all about planning as the project progresses.

In the traditional approach documentation tends to be verbose. It serves a couple of purposes: one is communication and two is to "cover your assets" when incase something goes wrong certain people can't be blamed. On Agile the approach is to do as much documention as necessary but no more.

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