Determinants Of Spinterhood

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Education is growing rapidly in our time, and also affects the whole word. Nowadays,

world highlight on the important of women to fight and seek in the field of education,

and as we know high level of education need several years to finish and sometimes it

takes more than 3o years. So, women today start looking for a high level of education

which let them not thinking in something called marriage. When women involved

much more in education a phenomenon called spinsterhood spread and it means high

rate of unmarried women. Education is the main reason for later marriage because

women can't combine between education and marriage. Although by means of

education women become more knowledgeable one and become search for the idol

men that are really not present. Also spinsterhood is a danger issue that affects our …show more content…

How high level of education affects rate of spinsterhood?

Determinants of spinsterhood:

a- Cultural practices and

Cultural practices and beliefs play a big role in decreasing women’s chance to

marry. Many factors nowadays affect spinsterhood like, " physical and sexual

attractiveness, endogamy, and high bride wealth". Because the view of culture has

changed from "domesticity" to "sexual attractiveness" the rate of spinsterhood

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