The Importance Of Technology In Daily Life

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Technology these days can be as confusing as math! Daily life has changed in many ways over the past hundred years because of advancements in technology. First, the way of how society reads in the modern day has been reinvented from how people used to read a hundred years ago. Second enjoying games with friends is nothing like it used to be when technology was not present. Last, current communication is tremendously more advance than it was in the past when smartphones were not a “thing.” As can be seen, there is no denying that daily life has evolved because of newer technology. First of all, reading books to reading articles and everything I can think of in between is drastically more technical than what our older generations had. Some of my favorite books I read I can read online, or from various applications. I cannot fathom having to break my back while carrying multiple books around like my grandparents did! If it was not for the glorious smartphone we would have to do the same thing as our grandparents. Now we have the luxury of downloading a book and not having the stress of making sure to return within a certain due date. A massive amount of news happens constantly around the world and within our nation. Back a century ago information was not available right after the incident happened. People had to wait for the next newspaper to find out important news. By the time people received the news it was old and useless. Luckily for humans living in the

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