The Role Of Technology In Modern Civilization

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In modern civilisation, technology develops at a fast pace. With technology forever changing we, as inhabitants of a technological age are constantly bombarded with information about the latest in smartphone, computing and networking technology. Modern society collectively is dependent on such developments, as the benefits of such technology are boundless, and contribute to an easier way of life for the user. Understanding the conception of technology requires the researcher to delve into the past. Far from the world of the smartphone, the tablet or the computer, technology in its infancy shaped the foundations of society today, from humble beginnings in the cave, eg. stone-age drawings on cave walls to the language we use to communicate. The seeds were long planted for today’s advances in technology. We must pay homage to the work of our ancestors, markedly within the earlier Mesolithic (8,000-5,500 BCE) and later Mesolithic period (5,500 BCE– 4,000 BCE) for their innovations. …show more content…

Although information about this gargantuan time span is scarce as, over time, traces of evidence of settlement have disintegrated, we do however, from scant archaeological evidence, know that there are significant developments between the early Mesolithic and the late Mesolithic. The changes of trends in technological advancement separates both periods and the progression of technology between the two time-scales is notable. It is through research that one can gain the notable differences between the early and late Mesolithic periods regarding economy, chronology and origins between the two aspects of this vital time-span in world

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