The Android Platform

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Abstract – The Android Platform is the most popular smartphone operating system today. Although dominated by various others like iPhone Operating System, Windows, the influence of Android has overshadowed them all. Every smartphone today is operating on this platform because of the features, the enormous number of applications that entertains users thus giving them a good Quality of Experience. With time, through user feedbacks and based on security issues there occurred various updates in its versions to overcome the vulnerabilities faced in every layer of the Android Architecture. In this paper, we have tried to perform a complete survey of the Android Platform, its advantages and vulnerabilities, the confrontations it faces in the Android …show more content…

Almost 80% of the smartphone market is operating and functioning on Android platform. Although subjugated by various others like iPhone Operating System, Windows, the influence of Android has overshadowed them all. Every smartphone today is operating on this platform because of the features, the massive quantity of applications that amuses users thus giving them a virtuous Quality of Experience. The major threat Android users faces is malware infection via the Android application markets[2]. With time, through user feedbacks and based on security issues there stood various updates in its versions as a retaliation towards vulnerabilities confronted in the Android Architecture [1]. Based on these vulnerabilities, we believed to carry out a research work on packet misbehavior while downloading and installing Android applications, threatening the system sensitivity of the Android device. In order to fulfill our purpose we initiated our work with the through study of malwares, Android malwares, features of Android malwares and its analysis, malicious behaviors, mitigation techniques and solutions, trend of Android malware and the current evolution, discoveries and …show more content…

Android SDK provides the tools and API to program and develop applications using the Java programming language[19]. Android is based on Linux Version 2.6, controlling the entire set of system services such as security, memory management, process management etc. Android emerged as an open source smartphone platform which allows amendment in the Kernel-level facilitating third party developers at the very inception to have the prospect to develop kernel-based security tools, to create legitimate or damaging applications or attach malwares in applications threatening the application and owner’s privacy. Android is based on Java over open Linux unlike other proprietary platforms such as iPhone having restrictive SDKs and corresponding API. The flexibility of Android, facilitates malwares, to target the platform. This has motivated us to carry out a Research on the Android malwares which revolutionize with time and as users we too fall prey to such malwares. The Android platform[1] has been preferred as it has the capability to establish connection to a wide range of networks. The enormous number of applications enhances availability for such a platform providing users with entertainment and helps realize Quality of Experience. The platform helps in swapping information to a wide collection of devices and hence is susceptible to threats and attacks. Delicate information such as online banking are ubiquitous,

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