The Importance Of Volunteering In My Life

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Education is wealth that cannot be taken away from you. I remember the words that sparked my desire for knowledge were told to me by my father when I was six. As a self motivated and energetic child, I was always questioning my surroundings and learned never to take anything at face value. My parents had come from India with nothing in hand, but 200 dollars to their name. Due to their hard work and dedication, they quickly became the leading role models in my life. Sensing my desire to succeed and make a substantial impact on the world, they decided to turn my motivation into a way that could benefit others. I recall at a young age going down to the homeless shelter with my parents on Sundays and handing out blankets and coats to the people in need. They always made an effort to stress the importance of selflessness. Taking into consideration all the privalent skills my parents have taught me, empathy and equality for others, as well as, education have been keystones in shaping the person I am today. Exposure to …show more content…

I began volunteering in grade 8 and have continued on since then. I volunteered for 2 years at Chartwell residency where I have now obtained a job as an server. I have also volunteered in areas such as Mission Bantam Hockey ticket sales, feed the hungry dinner, Diwali festivals, Baisakhi festivals, and Mission Christmas parades. My greatest volunteering experience is one that I still take part in every week. For more than 2 year I have been volunteering In the Mission Community Center’s settlement program. It is there that I aid children to read, and write. Each week we have different tasks designed to motivate the children to participate and learn. As they acquire more knowledge, they create synapses their brains. Viewing the children's success and growth is a valuable part of my

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